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Radiology and Imaging

Diagnostic imaging plays a critical role in the early and accurate diagnosis of various conditions in the field of Orthopaedic Surgery.

Radiology X-ray radiography remains the foundation of diagnostic imaging in the field of Orthopaedics. The age old problems of poor quality images, slow processing of films, storage space consumption and deterioration of films with time have been resolved with the introduction of digital radiography. Digital radiography, which is available in 7 STAR Super Speciality Hospital, allows the acquisition of high resolution images that can be stored and viewed on a computer on and off-site. 7 STAR Super Speciality Hospital Hospital has high quality, state-of-the-art digital radiography machines - Fuji FCRX CAPSULA processing machine which allows for high-speed and high resolution images.

Ultrasonography The Ultrasonography suite is equipped with a Wipro GE - Logic P3 system which is used to perform ultrasound examinations of the abdomen, Doppler studies and Echocardiogram. The Ultrasound machine is also used for interventional procedures including ultrasound guided nerve blocks.

Bone Mineral Density Ultrasonometer Machine The Wipro GE - Achilles bone ultrasonometer helps to protect the vitality of our patients by making accurate fracture risk assessment both comfortable and convenient. The exam is quick and comfortable for our patients, and its user-friendly design makes it easy for our staff to operate, with no formal certification required. Bone assessments take just a few minutes. Our patients sit comfortably during the pain-free exam-no messy gels required. Moreover, the machine emits no ionizing radiation. Results are concise and easy for staff to interpret.